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The following prayer groups are currently active:
Volunteers are the hands and feet of Jak127 and are responsible for doing things. It creates an opportunity to serve God’s people by being involved in short-term missions or in the long-term as tent makers.
Many volunteers have discovered their purpose and grown closer to God during their time as volunteers, living a life of purpose and adventure.
Jak127 is part of a network of organisations, churches, businesses and schools that work together during disasters to support victims of disasters by optimising resources, expertise and skills. A database regarding volunteers and available transport is developed and maintained on a regular basis.
The Jak127 disaster relief trailer is employed to support outreach teams in disaster areas and can be used as a base for 12 team members. The trailer is equipped with a fridge/freezer, solar panels, a generator, a gas stove, gas bottles, drinking water and kitchen equipment.
Loeriesfontein - Kenhardt - Brandvlei - Van Wyksvlei - Carnarvon - Vosburg - Fraserburg - Wiliston - Calivina - Sutherland.
The project supports the children of farmers in the target area, who attend schools in Paarl and Wellington.
The project subsidises diesel to the farmers in our target area.
Agricultural economic advice is being offered to farmers in the drought area.
Farmers were forced to sell on average about 50% of their ewes during the 8 to 10-year drought in the Karoo (2012 – 2021). The challenge after normal to above-normal rainfall since October 2021, is to rebuild the herds and the productive potential of the farms. Limited resources and access to credit facilities, a shortage of quality ewes and the cost of quality ewes are impacting the process negatively.
The herd rebuilding project in conjunction with the Farmer’s Associations of Fraserburg, Carnarvon, Calvinia and Brandvlei and the Co-ops in Williston and Fraserburg will focus on rebuilding the herds.
We strive to be good stewards of the resources that we received and the following is implemented:
All donations are recieved in the main account. The money is transferred from the main account to the accounts of the branches after approval by the founder.
Projects are managed on an internal account basis.
Monthly management statements are compiled per project.
Regular project reports are being sent to donors as agreed on.
MOU's are signed on request from donors.
BDB Auditors audit JAK127 annually.
A documented application process is used within projects such as JOSEPH's to identify beneficiaries. Independent members support a committee of the directors during the evaluation and selecting process.
We are a registered Non-Profit Organization with registration number 089-161-NPO and also able to issue Section 18A under the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962.
We strive to be good stewards of the resources that we receive. Here are details for your financial partnership.
Account Number 6304 4740 074
Branch Code 210515
All donations are recieved in the main account. The money is transferred from the main account to the accounts of the branches after approval by the founder.
We are a registered Non-Profit Organization with registration number 089-161-NPO and also able to issue Section 18A under the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962.